Mastering Jacqueline Read online

Page 10

  Melissa was disconcerted that such dark happenings occurred next door to her, just feet away, without her knowing about it until now.

  Melissa’s shock increased as she saw the horrid little man shove a butt plug deep and complete into her neighbor’s rear. This was crazy! How could she put up with that? Why would she?

  “What do you think, Melissa, is she a willing participant? “

  Melissa frowned cutely and fidgeted but Kira’s talon grip kept her in place. Melissa just could not be sure. If Jacqueline was forced or threatened she wouldn’t be all aroused like that, would she? On the other hand, there was Little Johnson spanking her viciously. She was handcuffed… but everyone knew handcuffs were used playfully probably more often than in seriousness. Jacqueline always acted calm and cool and dressed conservatively. Professional. Those panties and nipple-revealing bra sure didn’t seem like Jacqueline. On the other hand, she must have intentionally put them on herself.

  “Well? “

  “Oww! “Kira’s fingers were sunk deep into the tender flesh between her clavicles and her neck. “Hold you horses! Let go of me, too! “

  Kira relaxed her grip and the pain receded. She didn’t let go though.

  “This is important, Melissa. Your neighbor could be in danger. Keep watching the video if you’re not sure. “

  Melissa refocused on the video still playing. Jacqueline might need help and she had to figure it out. Better that than arguing with her visitor. It was weird to spy on her neighbor by watching her on television and it also felt odd to allow this stranger to touch her.

  As she directed her gaze back on the video she felt the young woman’s hands massaging the area she’d hurt. Massaging it a little too firmly like rolling dough. Was her visitor really concerned about Jacqueline or was she thinking about making some kind of lesbian pass? If she was, she was stupid. Melissa was no lesbo!

  Right now she would watch horny abused neighbor Jacqueline on video and she would worry about a lesbian pass if it happened. She’d cross that bridge when she came to it. Or, rather, she would not cross it!

  Melissa watched Jacqueline’s body, the indications of arousal, her moans, her movements lacking all resistance. Maybe she was willing. Maybe the cuffs and spanks were just game-playing, adding spice to sex. Or, if she was being forced, she had just lost all control over her body.

  A cynical part of the inexperienced Melissa wondered what was the difference between willing and unwilling. If Jacqueline was getting that much enjoyment out of it, what did it matter either way? Would the ends justify the means? No, of course not, what a shameful thought. Melissa mentally shook herself.

  Watching Jacqueline’s videotaped mistreatment and aroused reactions made her shudder with kindred feelings. The thought of strangers, wicked people, having their way, making her do things she would never do of her own free will, made her tremble with trepidation and anticipation.

  Unknown to Melissa, massaging her neck and leaning over her, Kira felts the trembles and grinned in triumph and delight. Everything was going so well with Kira’s plan. This girl was a perfect score!

  Melissa was getting an education from the clandestine video. She knew it was shot on the sneak because Jacqueline never looked at it. Besides, common sense told her no one would purposely allow themselves to be videotaped in that situation, especially not young professional Jacqueline. Melissa was learning more than that! She watched Jacqueline orgasm loudly as Little Johnson spanked her butt-plug filled ass. She’d had no idea reserved Jacqueline was hiding so much passion. She was jealous -- of that degree of passion, not the treatment she was suffering. She had never climaxed so hard herself and doubted she could or ever would. She’d never realized a woman could orgasm at all from a butt plug, spanks, and her own fingers yanking at her nipples. Melissa would have sworn it was impossible!

  Watching that Little Johnson -- with his overly hairy lumpy back -- tug and pull Jacqueline to her knees and in between the knees of the nude redhead fascinated Melissa. Jacqueline wasn’t really going to lick her, was she? Who would do such a thing? Lesbians, obviously, but never in a million years could Melissa have pictured Jacqueline doing so. Now she didn’t have to picture it. It was right there on her television.

  Melissa watched Jacqueline fight a battle to prevent herself from going down on the redhead. Jacqueline resisted Little Johnson’s pushy hand and the redhead’s lascivious words but it was obvious she wasn’t resisting with all her power. Damn! Was Jacqueline being forced or was she just pretending? Did she need help or not?

  Melissa watched Jacqueline lose her outward battle and, apparently, her inner battle as well as her face closed with the pussy and her mouth ate up that big wet pussy. Jacqueline really was going down on that woman. It was gross… but sort of hot in a forbidden way.

  Melissa couldn’t see the tongue and mouth working the pussy lips because Jacqueline’s head blocked the view but she could hear the slippery licks, the redhead’s triumphant moans, and Little Johnson oddly calling Jacqueline “Fishy”. Weird! She could feel damp arousal in her own pussy but she wasn’t sure if it was mimicking what Jacqueline felt as she was forced to perform or what the redhead felt as she imagined the enjoyment Jacqueline’s hard-working mouth caused. When Melissa -- just momentarily -- mentally placed herself in each role her lust rocketed each time.

  She swore she could actually smell pussy. It must be her imagination! As she kept her eyes glued to the intimate acts on the video she inhaled deeply. She could smell pussy! Self-conscious, she glanced down at her crotch. She was wet down there but it didn’t look like she’d soaked through yet. That only left. . . Melissa realized Kira’s hands were no longer on her neck and shoulders.

  As Melissa was drawn into the video Kira had realized it was no longer necessary to physically keep her in place. She’d quietly slipped off her shoes and leather pants. She didn’t wear panties usually so there hadn’t been anything to soak up her juices. It was such a turn on seducing a nice gullible university girl. Her juices were spilling! As soon as possible she needed to get this girl licking up all those juices or she was going to leave a puddle in this apartment. Not that she gave a shit about this girl’s apartment. No, she just had a mission. A delightfully twisted mission! Wayne Jones was brilliant! He was Kira’s hero and, for him, she was willing to be a villainess.

  Once her pants were off she’d maneuvered her steaming pussy just inches behind Melissa’s delicate neck. She let her pussy fumes do a little work for her in the seduction of the helpfully concerned girl. Kira was a big believer in the magic of pheromones. She let the girl inhale a healthy dose of them while she got turned on watching the illicit video.

  Pheromones are odorless but wet pussy wasn’t. Kira saw her prospective victim look down at her own crotch then crane her neck around to see what Kira was up to. Kira braced herself and then went into action. She mustn’t fail Master Jones!

  When Melissa turned to look over her shoulder her face confronted a hot pussy barely a foot away. It was wet andruddy with engorged blood, topped by a trimmed bush of red pubic hair with a tattoo of a blazing plume of fire sweeping up and to the left. Kira’s left.

  Kira wasn’t sure -- and didn’t care -- if Melissa’s face looked so shocked due to the sight of the pussy or the sight of the tattoo crowning it.

  “What the fuck! “

  “You have to admit, that video is hot. “

  Melissa leaned back from the pungent pussy, “Yeah, well, you have to admit a guest taking off her pants in her host’s home is rude. “

  “Not always! “

  “It is if the guest doesn’t have permission. “

  Kira stepped around the love seat and flopped down on one end, legs akimbo, hand petting her mound, “I don’t seek permission. Not from the likes of you. I give permission or revoke permission. Or I give orders when needed. “

Melissa looked steadily down at Kira’s pussy and the fingers glistening with juice as they slid up and down dividing the soft wet folds again and again. She swallowed heavily, audibly. It ought to look gross but she was fascinated. It was like watching a blazing dangerous wildfire approach and surround her. Dangerous but beautiful. Too beautiful to look away and run no matter how dangerous.

  When Melissa finally spoke her lips felt wooden, unready to speak, ‘You need to leave. “It was as if her lips would rather be doing something other than speaking.

  One side of Kira’s mouth tilted up in her patented vicious half-smile. All four fingers were slicking rapidly up and down her red and bothered slit. She brushed wetness up into her red bush. Like gasoline into a fire it only made the autumn maple leaf color blaze brighter.

  When a finger pad focused attention on her hard clitoris it actually made Melissa gasp as if that finger was working her own clitoris. Melissa thought she wanted to take her eyes off the sight but just kept not doing what she wanted. She thought it must be the daring tattoo that was keeping her eyes locked. The more she watched the hotter her own pussy became. How long could she bare to watch before her escalating arousal caused her to take action with her own body… or with this strangers?

  This Kira was a bit of a mind reader, “Go ahead. Why not take a closer look? A lot closer…. “

  Melissa’s sense of decorum was repelled by Kira’s arrogant assumptive sexuality. None of this was right. None of this was fair.

  “I just want to help my neighbor. If she needs help. If you want a sexual encounter you should take your burning cunt to some lesbo bar. “

  “You’re looking at my “burning cunt” like you think your tongue is just the little wiggly hose to put out the fire. “

  “Get dressed and get the hell out of my home! “Melissa was amazed at her level of anger. She was shaking with sudden fury, pulsing with adrenalin. Dimly, she realized the rage wasn’t due to Kira’s actions but was because of her own reactions.

  Kira sat up and leaned her face towards Melissa’s, “I’ll leave when I’m ready and not before then. You want to help your neighbor, Fishy, if she needs help. So, tell me, does she? “

  Kira used both hands to grab Melissa’s face and turn it towards the television. Melissa felt the fingers of one hand warm and slimy with pussy juice sliding on her cheek. Felt and smelled those hot digits. She was appalled but her arousal cranked higher. It was confusing. She’d think about it later. For the time being her focus returned to the mystery of Jacqueline’s circumstances.

  Video Jacqueline had been going down on the older redhead with greater and greater vigor while Kira and Melissa conversed. The lush woman was uncontrollably aroused. She was thrusting her pussy against Jacqueline’s diligently working mouth, violently, almost slapping it. Melissa marveled that Jacqueline kept at it especially since Little Johnson wasn’t holding her head in place, wasn’t even in view any longer.

  That’s it then. Jacqueline must be willing. No one was forcing her at that point and she was clearly turned on.

  For a moment, Melissa’s imagination got the best of her and she envisioned interacting with Jacqueline. Maybe Jacqueline inviting her over for dinner. Wining and dining her. Making a pass at her. Maybe wanting to do for Melissa what she was doing for the big-breasted redhead. Or maybe she would want Melissa to do for her what she was doing on the video. Reverse Jacqueline’s own role. Weirdly, that seemed more appropriate to Melissa. She couldn’t picture herself dominating her pretty, obviously more experienced, neighbor. Or anyone for that matter. It would be more natural for her to be the one used and abused.

  Melissa shuddered with aroused dread. She was getting ahead of herself. She needed to reject the lesbian advances of this Kira first and would worry about a sexual come on from Jacqueline in the unlikely event such a thing ever happened. One thing at a time.

  She saw Little Johnson come back into view with a wood paddle and begin striking Jacqueline’s vulnerable ass. Despite what must have been great pain Melissa noted Jacqueline held her ass steady under the onslaught and kept her mouth working at the pussy. Melissa was impressed. She wondered if she could do the same in those circumstances.

  Melissa tried ineffectually to shake her tightly gripped face free of Kira’s hands, “All right, already. She must be willing. She doesn’t look like she needs help. “

  “So, she likes it, huh? Yeah, I guess it’s pretty obvious. So, what do you think of your goody neighbor now? “

  Melissa tried to buck her head out of Kira’s grip yet again. This Kira was a mean bitch! She didn’t like her, didn’t like her tone, didn’t like her lack of respect for personal space. She just wanted to get rid of her and find a way to smother the fire in her own sexual center. She found her mind, even now, darting, suddenly picturing herself alone at last plugging fingers from both hands up her vagina. She could more than picture it, she could almost feel it as her pussy walls convulsed to grip imaginary fingers.

  Kira spoke intently, sensual lips close to Melissa’s ear, “Your neighbor wants it. How would you characterize her? Tell me what you think of her knowing what you now know. “

  Melissa felt the only way to get rid of this bitch was to appease her through cooperation. Maybe she could say something disparaging about Jacqueline without actually insulting the aggressive girl, that would make it clear to bitchy Kira that Melissa was not like them, “I guess… I think she must be some kind of sicko… a slut. “

  “Is she a slut because of what she is doing or because she seems to like it so much? “

  Melissa sensed some kind of trap here. Kira’s eyes were a little too alert and attentive like she was a cat twitching her tail, just about to pounce. It was hard to think though. Melissa’s pussy felt amazingly insistent and she was sure Kira’s fingers digging into the side of her face were going to leave permanent prints. She needed to blurt something just to get on with this, be done with Kira, get her out the door. There was no time to be thinking it all out.

  “Because she likes it. “

  “Likes what? “

  “Getting paddled. Being handcuffed. “

  “Is that all she likes? “

  “Getting spanked… and… going down on that woman. “

  “Are you calling me a sick slut? “

  “No! I was talking about Jacqueline, my neighbor. “

  “What if I like those same things? Are you saying that makes me a sick slut? “

  “Do you like those things? “Melissa sort of wanted to call this mean girl a sick slut but she didn’t dare under the circumstances. It was really outrageous and unnerving to have this girl physically and verbally pushing her around. It was so strange that her pussy just kept buzzing with sensation despite the belittling treatment.

  Kira’s grin was cocky, “I thought you’d never ask. Let’s find out. “

  She pushed Melissa’s face away. As Melissa worked her jaw to loosen it, she saw Kira pull handcuffs out of her purse. Melissa backed against her end of the love seat in a near panic. No way!

  “No, stupid, for me. “Melissa was relieved to see her lock the handcuffs on her own wrists, clicking them shut firm and tight in front of her. She was safe, the odd girl had handcuffed herself.

  She didn’t feel as safe when Kira reached down with both handcuffed hands and used them to grab Melissa’s ankle, twisting it to force compliance as she pulled it up, and positioned her leg high onto the back of the loveseat effectively spreading her pajama-clad legs lewdly wide.

  “Hey! “

  “I need to get the full effect. Let’s find out if I’m a “sick slut” too. “

  Startled into dangerously frozen immobility, Melissa felt like a wild rabbit trembling as a coyote’s teeth calmly closed down on it. Kira put her cuffed hands on the couch between them and leaned forward levering her elbows outward to jab at the so
ft insides of Melissa’s thighs using them to lock the legs wide apart. She arched her neck to leer up at the shock-opened mouth of Melissa. Then she gave her twisted smile and jammed her face into the wet crotch of Melissa’s pajama bottoms. She twisted and rolled her face, her muscular lips searching for those puffed up pussy lips.

  Melissa didn’t know what to do. She was just so surprised. Shocked. The girl was working her face all over Melissa’s pussy juice dampened bottoms. It was just unreal! The couch backrest prevented her from backing away. Those bony elbows kept her legs apart, left her pussy wide open vulnerable, its only protection the soft wet thin material of the pajamas. Closing her legs proved impossible. Those elbows were too painful. In fact, even as Kira worked her mouth industriously and effectively on her pussy, the pain in her thighs was so great -- that must be the reason -- that she spread her legs even wider. As she did the elbows spread wider and followed and there was no respite from the pain. Or that pleasurable mouth.

  This was getting painful and was both physically and socially awkward for Melissa. Embarrassing too, especially the betraying wetness in her sex. This was crazy. That pretty face rolling all over. Those sexy lips tugging at her pussy lips through the material. In hindsight she should have worn panties. They would have been one more layer of defense. But how could she have expected this sort of attack in the privacy of her own home?

  She thought she should just thrust her hips with all her power. She knew it would throw that insistent face out of her crotch but she didn’t want to risk hurting Kira. Besides… if she did that the tremendous forbidden pleasure would come to an end…. No, that was the wrong way to think! She tried jiggling her pelvis. Maybe Kira would get the message. Nope. Hell, she probably took it as a sign Melissa liked it. How mortifying! That face, that mouth, those lips, and even the nibbling teeth stayed working away.