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Trapped and Tamed Page 13

  Like Hell thought Dawn. Her skin wasn’t even healed from the sunburn so she was in no condition to show herself. How presumptuous!Besides, the concept of being alone with that crude woman… that obviously lusty lesbian… was daunting. Monica made it sound like Dawn’s pussy was a honey-filled bee hive and she was the beekeeper. The prospect made Dawn shudder… with a mixture of emotions.

  No way.

  She was quite determined.

  Until she saw the line written far down at the bottom:


  With a sinking sensation in her tummy but a slight flowering of her pussy Dawn realized she would go. She’d have to in order to protect her daughter. To protect her lesbian pain-enjoying daughter from meeting a lesbian pain-dealer she’d have to bring her own non-lesbian, mostly, and no pain-enjoying, mostly, body willingly within range of the lesbian’s clutches.

  Well, she’d go then but that didn’t mean she’d participate in any lesbian or sado-masochistic acts with that woman Monica.

  Didn’t it?

  Monica had put the day of the week and the date she was to come over in parenthesis. The “tomorrow” Monica wrote about in the note was actually Dawn’s today. She’d have to hurry or she wouldn’t make it by the noon deadline….

  She couldn’t call Monica because she hadn’t gotten the woman’s phone number. She hadn’t wanted it. Somehow Monica knew Dawn’s address. Probably through the Ladies of Greenville Club if she hadn’t been formally kicked out yet.

  This was… just silly!Forced to hurry to get somewhere she never wanted to arrive at!What if she was late? Would Monica punish her? Of course she would. That goofy lesbian bitch had punished her even when she hadn’t done anything wrong. What might she do with an actual excuse? The image of a swinging whip entered Dawn’s flustered mind. Her pussy flexed involuntarily. This was silly. No one whips anyone nowadays and the thought ought to horrify her. No, a whipping just was not possible. Thank goodness. Right? A spanking… obviously was an option. That was possible as proven by her first trip to Monica’s residence.

  The punishment… if there was one… when there was one… would probably be some kind of severe extended spanking. Oh, Lord!She was still sunburned, even her ass, and the highest most spank able curves were exceptionally sunburned. Spanks would be a hundred times more painful.

  This was silly anyway. She wasn’t going there to allow that lesbian to do anything to her, anything at all, let alone abuse her. She was just going to read the bitch the riot act. She’d tell her if she ever tried to visit she’d have the guards handle her. Make everything crystal clear. There would be no foot massage this time. No nudity. No licking. No tonguing. No sucking. No nibbles on her clitoris. No spanking. Certainly no spanking!If she were ever again going to allow a spanking it wouldn’t be now - on a sunburned bottom!

  Why was she just standing here thinking all these crazy thoughts when she should be hurrying to get ready and get there? She didn’t… want… to be late, right?

  Dawn hurried to get dressed. She rushed about, tried on various articles of clothing, each one painfully scraping her sunburned skin. She had no idea why she even wanted to look good for Monica. It must be because she was going out in public and not because of Monica at all…. She hurried… but she really didn’t hurry as much as she could have….

  Chapter 10

  On the drive over Dawn got her mind right. The unexpected and lascivious invitation so soon after fingering herself to orgasm watching Indira and her daughter make love had thrown her off. Way off. However, the aching burn of the sunburn on her ass as she drove the Cadillac made her angry.

  The vicious scrape of clothing as she walked up the flagstones to that granite should-have-been-a-museum mansion of Monica’s made her furious.

  She rang the gong of a doorbell and waited for Monica to answer. She couldn’t help glancing at her watch. 12:08 pm. The sample time displayed on digital clock radios for sale all over the world. Eight minutes late. She was angry she cared enough to look at the time. She was angry at the constricting fear she felt realizing she was tardy. What would Monica do to her?

  Nothing damn it!

  She’d never let her!

  Dawn almost never swore, not even to herself. It wasn’t ladylike. She really was agitated. She wasn’t violent but she actually felt like punching Monica the moment she saw her. She wouldn’t. That wasn’t ladylike either. Anyways, Monica was so much larger than her. If she punched her, even if her little fist landed, Monica would probably laugh and next thing Dawn knew she’d be bent across the lesbian’s knees taking a severe spanking session.

  The thought made Dawn so mad she thought she wouldn’t be able to help herself and really would try punching Monica….

  She pushed the button to the darn door gong again.

  It was so hot out it made her feel dizzy. First Monica gave her this horrible sunburn and now here she was cooking in the sun again for her. Her sunburn would be sunburned!

  The door opened and Monica stood there wearing a huge bra encompassing her fat breasts and nothing else other than sandals. Dawn couldn’t help looking at that huge red-brown bush over and all around Monica’s heavy labia. Good God, didn’t the woman ever trim her pubic hair? Dawn was so relieved she hadn’t seen Monica’s crotch up close during their previous encounter. That Monica had somehow put her in a terrible state of arousal and if she had forced… asked… Dawn for reciprocation, well, Dawn knew she would have done it, and would have done whatever else. She’d been in a state of absent will. A terrible shameful thing….

  “Honey! You’re late. You must know it too, you’re all red with embarrassment. ”

  “It’s called a sunburn. ”

  “You look serious. Come on in, we’ll talk. ”

  “Forget it, Monica. We’ll talk right here. ”

  “You must be joking. You’re getting even more sunburned! Besides, look at me. ”

  Monica used flowing hand movements like a game show hostess showing off potential winnings, in this case Monica’s lush body. Dawn felt like a game show contestant with a chance to win a fur coat. In this case, instead of a fur coat, it would be Monica’s thickly furred pussy.

  “All right. But no sunbathing this time. ”

  “It’s a deal, Honey. ”

  It was weird following that bare, naked, womanly rear. Monica had a little extra weight but somehow in all the right places and it only made her even more sexy. That is, to men and other lesbians, of course, not to Dawn.

  The bare ass led her to a cushy den. Monica’s partial nudity made it plain the two of them must be completely alone in the huge building. The nudity did make Dawn nervous for obvious reasons but it was a relief to know that mean-looking lowly and low to the ground Mr. Johnson wasn’t near. He creeped Dawn out worse than Monica and he’d never even done anything to her.

  Dawn was relieved Monica didn’t try to sit right next to her. She couldn’t stand, or withstand, any contact at all from this overly womanly woman and not only because of her sensitive burn. Monica sat in the cushioned chair seven feet across from her. Quite proper. Except for the splayed legs. Those sexy legs acted like gutters running Dawn’s bouncing eyes continually up to again and again accidentally look at those puffed labial lips pushing through the red-brown overgrowth. Autumn pussy. Dawn nearly giggled like a little girl. This whole situation made her so nervous. She hated confrontation. Nervousness pushed aside the anger.

  “You seem upset. No matter. I have some ideas for relaxing you,”Monica practically purred.

  “Save your foot rub for a woman who is actually a lesbian, unlike me. ”

  Monica used her mock-offended voice, “Dawn, after all I’ve done for you, you sound so very ungrateful. ”
br />   “After all you’ve done for me? Like what, giving me this darn terrible sunburn? ”

  “Silly little dear, I didn’t give you that sunburn, the sun did. That’s why it’s called “sun” burn, not “Monica” burn. I was only to blame for the burning fire in your delicious pussy. But you shouldn’t “blame” me for that either. No, you should thank me. ”

  “Thank you? ”Dawn felt like snorting delicately in disbelief and then walking out. She couldn’t do that yet though. Something about Monica fascinated her but not in a healthy way. What was the source of her fascination? It wasn’t Monica flexing her legs open and closed so her knees gently kissed together on each inward scissoring. That did often cause Dawn’s eyes to dart to Monica’s jungled womanhood but that wasn’t entirely the source of fascination. It was Monica’s perspective. Her mindset was obscene… but not completely illogical.

  “Yes. Thank me. It’s only civil. ”

  “Why would I thank you? ”

  “For the sex obviously! I ended your long dry spell since the death of your husband with a puddle of wetness in, on, and from your pussy. ”

  “I… I didn’t want that. I told my husband when he was dying that I wouldn’t have sex with any other man and, to me, that meant no sex at all. Because I’m no lesbian! ”

  “Maybe you aren’t but your pussy sure is. It proved it when I licked all that pussy juice from it. That pussy juice didn’t come from my mouth, it came from your pussy. Only a turned on pussy juices up like that. ”

  “Look, I came here to tell you whatever happened the other day is over and done; in the past and with nothing like it in the future. ”

  “This is the thanks I get after all the pleasure I gave you, Honey, bringing sex back into your life? ”

  “It was all wrong. ”

  Monica allowed her legs to lock open at their widest distance apart. She licked two of her fingers on her right hand while her left spread her heavy pussy lips. Then the wet fingers were brought down to her upper slit to rub circularly on her clitoris, “I’ll tell you what’s wrong. A prime healthy pussy like yours retired and out of action to honor a misguided promise to a dying man. A man so selfish he allowed you to make the promise and even accepted it to bind you to it. What good is that pussy sitting on the sideline to a dead man? ”

  It was rude and crude but what she said made a shocking amount of sense. Dawn noticed that Monica worked her two fingers with a good amount of pressure in a clockwise direction on and around her clitoris. Dawn realized she also rubbed at herself in a clockwise direction when, sometimes, she gave in to the need to relieve sexual tension. Most recently in her daughter’s closet. The recollection made her shame well up. Studying Monica’s technique dreamily she realized Monica pressed the clitoris harder than she did. Maybe, sometime, she’d try being a little rougher with her own clitoris….

  Dawn could almost feel those fingers at the top of her own little love valley. She suddenly realized she better get out of there quick before Monica kept making sense, so much sense that Dawn ended up doing things that were not sensible.

  When Dawn looked up from the spectacle of Monica’s on-display and rapidly swamping pussy her cheeks burned with embarrassment underneath her sunburn. She saw Monica was smiling at her snidely. The bitch had noticed her looking at the wet mound, not with disgust, but with desire.

  Monica sounded confident, “I’m going to undue your deathbed promise to your selfish dying husband. Gradually, by stages, but you’ll love every stage. Or at least lust every stage. ”

  “No, this is wrong. This…. ,” Dawn looked pointedly at Monica’s enflamed pussy, “That! It isn’t what I want. This isn’t fair. The foot rub trick, the sunburn, the nasty note mentioning my daughter. How dare you! ? ! ”

  “Oh, so you’re worried about fairness are you, Baby? How many orgasms did I give you the other day? ”

  “I don’t know. ”

  “Maybe you don’t. Maybe your third and last one wiped out part of your memory. Or maybe you just have selective memory. You remember my wrongs but fail to remember the favors I did you, the sexual favors. Who is the unfair one here? ”

  “So I climaxed…. ”

  “Three times! ”

  “All right, so I had… three… orgasms. Fine. It doesn’t matter. It’s over. ”

  “Hmm, what about fairness? ”

  “I don’t understand. ”

  “I gave you three orgasms. You owe me three orgasms. ”

  “No! ”

  “Yes. Fairness isn’t always getting your own way. It’s equality and compromise. As soon as you and I have an equal number of orgasms we’re even, you owe nothing. Then you can do as you wish and I’ll leave you -- and your daughter -- completely alone. ”

  Dawn, openly thoughtful, watched Monica’s fingers swirling her swollen clitoris. She tried to think of a way out of this mess. Away from the mess between Monica’s legs!

  Dawn cleared her swollen throat, “Your… fingers… seem to be doing a good job. They’ll give you as many orgasms as you want, you know. ”

  Monica laughed and then tensed her belly in passion, “And you know, by now, fingers are not the same, not as wonderful, as an expert or at least hard-working sexy mouth. ”

  Well… Dawn could not deny that….

  Contemplation caused a telltale delay.

  Monica bumped her mound up against her fingers a few times rapidly and then slouched down in her seat until her ass was suspended over the edge. She spread her legs even wider. The invitation was obvious but Monica left no room for doubt, “Come over here and get your face between my legs. Now, you stupid little bitch. ”

  Dawn was surprised by her vicious tone and the nasty word at the end of the sentence. It was amazing how commanding Monica was. Such passionate willpower. Dawn tried to muster a verbal denial or to scrape together enough internal will to stand up to the woman. But Monica had all the advantages. Her will, her experience, the indirect threat to Dawn’s reputation and daughter, her past intimate success with Dawn, this “fairness” thing, and, most of all her red arousal-flushed pussy wafting a certain odor across to Dawn.

  How could Dawn stand up to all that? She knew she couldn’t or at least wouldn’t.

  Monica knew it, too, in a more literal sense.

  “Kneel down sexy bitch. Kneel! ”

  Compared to going down on Monica, simply kneeling as ordered seemed a lot easier to Dawn, a lot more welcome. She knew it was a first step down that same path but it was still easier than going straight to it.

  Dawn rose, then knelt so fast it was almost like her legs gave out under her.

  “Good, you selfish little bitch. Now, come over here. Don’t walk and don’t crawl. Walk on your knees and keep your eyes on my pussy. The whole way. Always keep your eyes on your goal. A little free advice there. ”

  Dawn knee-walked towards Monica and she did keep her eyes on that seething pussy. She felt like a flesh robot. She wasn’t in control. Monica controlled her. The feeling was dizzying. She was just a robot made out of skin and flesh and bone. Monica had just verbally programmed her. She was a sexy robot with sore knees getting more sore with each clumsy knee drag and knee fall on the harsh carpet. She was just like a robot if a robot could also feel all this inappropriate arousal.

  These sexual events with Monica were more exciting than any ride at any fair in the world. Monica would give commands and, like them or not, she would follow them and who knew where that would lead? It was all so exciting.

  As she knee-walked the short distance a couple times her thighs rubbed and a bizarre sexy frustration soared up her spinal column. She felt her sex leaking fluid. She felt like touching herself but knew she may not be able to stop what she started.

  It would be selfish anyway. Monica sort of had a point. She needed to focus her eyes on that o
vergrown pussy and then focus all her efforts there. She wondered how long it would take to tongue Monica to an orgasm, let alone three. It sounded nasty and difficult but she was curious and found herself looking forward to the challenge.

  Though perhaps not as much as Monica!

  She knee-walked into position between those widely spread fleshy thighs and sighed quietly as she studied the flooded pussy landscape her tongue was about to slog through. She just stared. The details of all the swells and folds overwhelmed her view. It was a lot to explore. Monica was tall but her pussy seemed huge. Dawn felt a sexual thrill when she realized someone with a small hand, perhaps as small as her own, could get their entire hand up in there.

  Monica stroked her fingers across the clitoris and bumped her mound upward in little thrusts. The odor of her aroused pussy surrounded Dawn and filled her lungs. It put her in a state. For a moment it felt like she couldn’t breathe, then she inhaled deeply and purposely. It was amazing! She could feel Monica’s lust entering her and working its will in her being, making a mirror image of itself within Dawn. Suddenly Dawn felt a flood of juices release from her own pussy and run down her thighs. It almost felt like an orgasm. Whatever it was did not sate her desire but sent her lust soaring into some dark unspeakable cloud of wrongful longing.

  She’d stared at that worked-over pussy for nearly a minute but now she looked up wide-eyed for orders. She needed the order. She couldn’t do what she knew she would do until she had the actual order. By this point she didn’t just need the order, she wanted it.

  Monica surprised her.

  “Lean forward very close to my pussy. Breathe my evaporating pussy juices in. Fill your lungs. Hold it. Then blow it out gently and slow, aim the air across my pussy and especially my wet clitty. Just keep doing that while I rub off my little sex button. ”