Mastering Jacqueline Read online

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  Jackie’s false smile faltered and dimmed even as she looked at the brightly smiling Monica. Besides the happy grin, Monica wore a tight low cut top that was nearly see through and had a huge purse slung over her shoulder.

  Monica spoke, “Hi, Honey, nice to see you. “

  Little Johnson looked Jackie up and down head to toes and was obviously pleased, “Good work, Fishy! Sexy and naughty! It looks good on you. You’re real good at following directions and I’m real good at giving them. Match made in heaven. “

  Jackie’s eyes kept darting past them to the empty hallway worried a neighbour would step out and see them. See her! Her thoughts were also darting. What was Monica doing here? How could she battle and restrain Little Johnson while also having Monica to deal with? Monica was sexy and feminine but she towered over Little Johnson and still had several inches on Jackie.

  “Uh, hi. Nice to see you, Monica. Come in Little Johnson, I’ve been looking forward to seeing you. See you later, Monica. “

  “Stupid slut, Fishy, do you think I’d bring Monica here just to stand around the hallway while we fuck? She’s here to help. Specifically, she is the key to your passing muster with Mr. Jones. Now, welcome your guest with courtesy. She may be a dumb whore but that still puts her a notch above you, stupid slut. “

  Jackie couldn’t turn them away and she couldn’t just stand there in that lascivious outfit when a neighbor could appear at any moment. She backed out of the way and her two visitors strode in with arrogant confidence.

  Little Johnson told her to bolt the door and, when she turned back to them, she saw Little Johnson was looking all over with an alert angry expression. His short beard twitched as he leaned to and fro and peered about up and down. He was definitely looking for something while Monica stood guard over Jackie.

  Monica had a wide smile on her lips but her eyes were anything but dumb. They were taking Jackie’s measure. Jackie considered grabbing the aluminum bat and taking them both out with head shots but she knew Monica would be on her immediately. She’d never get the bat up to her shoulder, might not even be able to touch it.

  While Little Johnson moved around, Jackie studied Monica up close. She was surprised by the older woman’s tremendous beauty. She was every bit as beautiful as her daughter though with larger breasts, paler skin, and redder hair. Jackie wondered what a pretty woman like her was doing hanging out with the ugly little bastard. She blushed as she realized she was just as pretty and many would wonder what she herself was doing with Little Johnson.

  Little Johnson stepped into the kitchen and walked through it towards the office and desk beyond. When Jackie started to follow Monica told her firmly, “Stay where you are. “Monica’s hands were on her hips and she looked serious. Jackie was automatically angry taking orders from a guest in her own home but she did as she was told.

  When Little Johnson came back from his inspection of the Jones’ file inventory on her desk he had renewed purpose. He found the handcuffs behind the microwave.

  He held them up towards her face swinging them from one stubby finger, “Naughty Fishy. “

  Jackie trembled, felt breathless. She realized her plan, the “New Plan”, was now defunct and she had no Plan B. She couldn’t stop her shoulders from slumping. She was screwed figuratively and she figured she would soon be screwed literally as well. Doomed. She felt doomed.

  Little Johnson and Monica watched defeat deeply pierce Jackie. The Fishy was firmly hooked.

  Monica leaned over to put her full lips almost in contact with Jackie’s delicate shell ear and whispered throatily but loud enough for Little Johnson’s enjoyment.

  “Hmm, Honey, I just love seafood. “

  Little Johnson giggled and shoved one metal cuff into Jackie’s slack mouth, “Don’t drop it! “

  Jackie bit the cuff and gripped it uncomfortably with her lips.

  Little Johnson peered at her, gloating, “Do you think I didn’t know what you would try even before you knew? I did. You know why? Wayne Jones taught me. He taught me that all game fish when hooked struggle and fight to get off the hook… even though they sense the truth that it is their destiny – their very purpose for existing – to be caught and eaten. It is what they really want. To be used. Even so, by instinct, they struggle. That’s fine. That is the joy of it. Fishermen don’t fish because they are hungry. They fish for sport. I could have a hundred women and, for all you know, I do. I’d still go out of my way to pull number one hundred and one into my boat. “

  Jackie stood still. She had no plan to escape. Escape was not possible. There was no plan. She held the cuffs in her mouth, the weight pulling her lips out of shape. She felt saliva leaking onto her chin. She realized she was just standing and waiting for orders and realized with sinking horror and a sneaky yearning that whatever the orders were next and all night long, she would have to obey them.

  Little Johnson appraised her body and then scanned the apartment entranceway. Was he looking for a possible hidden weapon Jackie had thought to use on him? Jackie prayed he would not find the baseball bat. She suspected if he did he would probably try to fuck her with it.

  Little Johnson didn’t look very hard, seemed to assume she’d believed she could get him handcuffed through sheer strength because he was so small. He continued, “Fishy, confess to your princely fisherman. You were going to try to hurt me, weren’t you? You were going to try to put Little Johnson in cuffs, huh? Confess all, you’ll feel better. “

  He plucked the cuffs out of her mouth. The metal clicked her teeth and a string of saliva broke and fell mostly onto her chest.

  “No, no, nothing like that. Honest, Little Johnson. I was just playing with those handcuffs, thinking dirty thoughts while I walked around waiting for you. I heated up a mug of water for tea. I must have set them down by the microwave. I was distracted. I just kept thinking about tonight. I was nervous. “

  “Those dirty thoughts were about hurting me and using these cuffs on me, weren’t they? “

  Jackie was desperate to convince him she had no plan other than cooperation. It was her only chance to lull them both to the point she might later be able to get the upper hand and get to the still hidden aluminum bat.

  “No, I was thinking about what it felt like to wear them. I was remembering how it felt. It made me hot to think about it. “

  “That’s a lie. You would have put them on if you wanted it that much. After all, I’m sure you’ve been fucking that monster dildo so much you’ve probably eroded it down to half its original size. “

  “I would have put them on! I would have but I didn’t have the key! “

  “Prove it. “Now Little Johnson was dangling the cuffs from one finger of his right hand while pinching a small key between two fingers of his left hand. He sported a triumphant grin.

  Jackie took the cuffs from Little Johnson. A side glance showed her Monica’s eyes were gleaming with carnivorous interest. It was all a trick. Jackie knew it was. Little Johnson knew everything, was always two steps ahead of her. Now he was using a mock challenge to verbally box her into a corner. He certainly knew the hidden cuffs had been intended for him. Nothing Jackie said or did would change his mind. Yet now she was about to knowingly play into his hands. She was about to handcuff herself and she knew it would finalize her helplessness before the two sexual predators, these two animals, underlings a few notches below the king of predators in their animal kingdom, Wayne Jones.

  Her inner voice screamed at her not to do it. Yelled for her to resist and run. Despite that, illogically, she found she wanted to prove to him her claimed slutty intent, to disprove the mutinous intent, knowing it wasn’t true and knowing cuffing herself would not convince him and would greatly worsen her situation. Even so, she knew he constructed this scenario because it gave him pleasure to play it out. She hated him but she wanted to play up his pleasure though she could t
hink of no good reason to want to please him.

  She thought that possibly he also created this scenario because it provided a slippery moral slope she could walk onto and slide to the bottom easily. Jackie didn’t know for sure but she did know that at a primeval crawling-in-the-mud level she wanted to step into the role, wanted to step onto that slippery slope, wanted to slide all the way to its dark bottom.

  She only realized she was going to do it the exact moment she heard and felt the cuffs click shut and ratchet tight around one wrist. Then she clicked shut the other, her hands in front of her body. Having her hands cuffed in front of her was at least an improvement over last time.

  Little Johnson nodded, “I still don’t believe you. Nevertheless, you’re a good slut. I can’t expect more than for you to follow all orders immediately and without question. Here you are where you belong on the night you were instructed, dressed like the slut you are, let us right in, went ahead and handcuffed yourself. I can’t expect more than what you’ve already done so far but I can ask you for much more and I will. “

  Monica grabbed her by the short chain slung between the cuffs and tugged her into the living room. Pulled her over to the sofa and, once there, she kept Jackie standing while she reclined back on the couch. Jackie saw Little Johnson hadn’t followed and wasn’t sure where he was.

  “Stand there, Honey, while I look you over. “

  Jackie was angry. She’d come to expect control and abuse from Little Johnson. Maybe even look forward to it. This strange woman, Monica, was another thing altogether. She acted like she had a license to boss Jackie around in her own home. It was outrageous. Little Johnson was just… Little Johnson. This woman was a near total stranger. All Jackie knew was that she was a fan of Wayne Jones and had a beautiful adult daughter. Jackie didn’t even know her last name. Of course, come to think of it, she didn’t even know Little Johnson’s first name. Not for certain.

  Monica was drinking in every detail of Jackie’s standing form and lust was apparent on her face. Jackie wondered if this lady was going to try to make a move on her sexually or if Little Johnson would expect her to engage in that kind of thing. The answer was obviously yes. Jackie swore she was not going to get caught up in any lesbian acts. She was strictly heterosexual.

  She was desperate to avoid further risk to her reputation. Any sexual interaction with or in front of this woman would mean there was one more person who would know firsthand about her sluttiness. She shouldn’t risk that. Spur of the moment, she developed a strategy. She had to try to form a bond of friendship and female solidarity with Monica. She had to work quickly and pull this off before Little Johnson joined them. If she could get a rapport with Monica then Monica would refuse to take advantage of her sexually and might even help her escape his clutches.

  “Monica, right? I remember you from the parking lot at the hospital. Your daughter’s name is Kira. You two are big fans of Wayne Jones, right? You both have the same beautiful smiles. Where is your lovely girl tonight? “

  Jackie figured bonding with Monica through compliments and admiration for her daughter’s beauty would be a good way to get a rapport going. Especially if she could use reminders to bring motherly love to the surface in order to banish the lust presently on Monica’s face. Monica’s response made it obvious her effort was going to fail.

  “Little Johnson told us you’re hot and sexy. Those performances on video were wonderful and you’re even prettier in three dimensions. Kira and I both wanted to come see you and play with you. There is nothing like a new toy fresh out of its package. Little Johnson felt too much of a crowd might draw attention. Kira and I both have our own special skills that would help you pass Mr. Jones test but only one of us could be here. So Kira flipped a coin, I called heads, heads it was, and here I am the lucky one. Right now Kira is at home watching one of your home videos and pinching her little clitty. Does the idea of having such a sexy fan like my daughter turn you on? “

  “No. I’m not lesbian or bisexual. I don’t judge others for their lifestyle choices, it just isn’t for me. I’m not into all this. I’d really like all those videos back. Please, help me. “

  Monica leaned forward and reached up with both hands to cup the underside of Jackie’s bra-clad breasts, her thumbs rotating on each bare nipple. Jackie was so highly tuned from the events of the past few days and from the embarrassment of the situation that even alarming caresses from another woman made her nipples cooperatively harden.

  “You ‘don’t judge others for their lifestyle choices’? I’d think as a Psychoanalyst you’ve made a career of it! “

  Jackie did not respond, not wanting to argue and antagonize the woman. Those soft thumb pads were working gentle friction into her swollen nipples.

  “It’s an incredible coincidence that you wore this bra showing off your nipples. Maybe you and I are already tuned in to the same psychic wavelength. We’re united by our destiny to love Mr. Jones. “

  “What do you mean ‘coincidence’? Please, I don’t normally answer the door wearing this kind of thing. I’m being blackmailed by Little Johnson! “

  “Little Johnson would never blackmail anyone. He has no need. As for the coincidence, just wait, you’ll find out later tonight. “

  “Won’t you help me get away? “

  “You don’t need that kind of help. You don’t want that kind of help. Mr. Jones and some of the others like me and Little Johnson can see far below the surface personality of a person. Many women are submissive and many are not. Those who are not we leave alone. We can’t be of help to them and they aren’t any help to us. Those, like you, who have a submissive streak buried deep down like a vein of gold ore… well, we mine that. Strike the mother lode! We’ve struck it rich with you. “

  Monica now used thumb and forefinger of each hand to gently pincer the hardened but sensitized nipples. She tugged on them simultaneously and then relaxed, tugged and relaxed, tugged and relaxed. Jackie had to flex leg muscles to stay in place as the rhythmic tugs became stronger. Monica hadn’t told her to stay in place but Jackie knew it was expected. The threat to her physical balance teaming up with the threat to her moral equilibrium disoriented Jackie.

  “You don’t want to escape this. You’ve found your secret wonderland. You could have called the police on Little Johnson for peeping. You could have left the apartment. You never really had to follow any of the directions he gave. There was no video from that first night. If you’d been more insistent in your questioning after you captured him you would have learned that. You didn’t go that route because subconsciously you wanted to be led down a different route. You wouldn’t go down that path consciously because you’re too uptight. So you created an illusion to open up the door to it.

  “Besides all that, you could have given up your assignment regarding Mr. Jones. There are many other jobs out there. No doubt your family would have helped you out. You were never truly desperate. You always had options. Yes, you had excuses to go along. I’m sure Little Johnson even helped provide some, fed and watered your little illusion. Nothing was absolute. You always had free will. What did you do with your free will? Look at you. You voluntarily bought and wore this slutty outfit, you voluntarily locked those handcuffs on, you are standing there with your swollen breasts and erect nipples no doubt greatly enjoying my fingers pulling them. Your sexy mouth is asking for help while your soul is silently asking for commands to follow, verbal and physical abuse to absorb. “

  Monica paused to lean down and deliver a hard wet lick to one nipple, then the second, before going back to milking tugging.

  “Look inside yourself. You’ll see what you really want is to complete your assignment. For your work and because, by now, you know Jones should be a free man. More than that, you want him to be free. You know it will lead to success for you. I’m sure you can sense it. You can’t envision what kind of success. Your moral structures won�
��t allow you to see it yet. Trust me, it will be your heart’s desire. To achieve this you must prove yourself worthy of Mr. Jones. Before you can set him free you must meet with him enough times so that no one will question or undermine your decision in his favor. Political and social forces are arrayed against Mr. Jones. I heard the tasks Mr. Jones has set for you before you will be allowed the honor and opportunity of spending the necessary time with him. I will help you tonight by giving you the ability to prove to Mr. Jones you do understand his language. Arguably, two proofs. Little Johnson will help you with providing the personalized gift. “

  Little Johnson spoke from behind Jackie, “Among other things. Are you sluts having a good talk? “

  “Yes,” said Monica, pinching Jackie’s nipples painfully.

  Jackie said nothing but looked over her shoulder at him. He was naked and held the butt plug in one hand and the whip in the other. Even as she looked he raised it and brought it crashing downwards. Jackie cringed expecting pain but when she heard it slash wickedly into flesh it was Monica who yelled.

  Little Johnson brought it down twice more in rapid succession, “You redheaded bitch, do you know why you’re getting the whip? “

  “Ahh! Ahhhh! Yes. Yes, Master! I didn’t call you Master. I should know better, Master. I do know better, Master. Whenever we’re in private I am to call you Master. I’m sorry, Master! I wasn’t thinking this was in private, Master, because this slut is new and not fully broken in. I’m a stupid slut, Master! Please forgive me, Master! “