Mastering Jacqueline Page 8
“Dearest Fishy, I will know. Do not doubt it. My sphere of influence extends quite far. Besides, you will also know. You’re hungry for it. Not just sex. You’re hungry to follow my orders, hungry to please me. Go do this and everyone wins. “
Emotionally shell-shocked Jackie struggled her top back in place and left with Jones reclining on his bed, his bottom half nude, his mind possibly already plotting out future sexual escapades.
Stumbling back down the hallway Jackie marveled. Had she just tacitly agreed to have sex with Robert -- in order to satisfy the very patient Robert sent her to analyze?
Chapter 5
She was supposed to leave the Goethner-Varner Mental Health Hospital now but she wasn’t going to. She knew she had to stray dramatically from the path Jones was leading her down. If she stayed on the path he set it would wind further and further down to a hellish loss of free will while coiling snakelike around her soul, constricting it into a diamond point of pure sexual need and obedience. Everything was at stake! She had to jump the rails, get off this doomed course.
She was not going to leave, then sit quietly through the night in her apartment with her only company that wicked but tempting dildo, then in the morning go off obediently on her ‘mission’. No way. She wasn’t a slave, wasn’t a slut, and was no fool. The key was finding and freeing Shara Tillings and Carol Milligan. She couldn’t wonder around the hallways looking for them. Too obvious and the guards would notice. The guards would not allow her to see them without permission, would never buzz the electronic door locks just on her say so. She needed official permission. She could get that from Wendy Carter.
She left the Building C ward, ignoring the guards on the way past though she knew their eyes were not ignoring her legs, and went to the mansion-like building that housed Carter’s beautiful office on the 2nd floor. Jackie entered the wide outer office and saw the tattooed and nose-pierced secretary, Anni. She remembered Anni checking out her body and verbally coming on to her the first time they met and felt distaste. Jackie had nothing against lesbians but it sure wasn’t for her. She realized the first time they’d met she’d never had a lesbian experience and now, just days later, she had. She had a sudden flashback of being crouched down between Monica’s spread legs and tongue-exploring her pussy. It made her feel bad about herself, made her flush with secret embarrassment.
“Hi, Ms. Thorpe, so nice to see you! “Anni positively beamed.
“Hello, Anni. I know I’m not expected but I was wondering if Ms. Carter might have a moment for me. “Jackie wanted to move as quickly and cordially as possible past Anni.
“She doesn’t but I do. Wendy is currently preoccupied with new protocols, agendas, meetings. She’s all tied up in ongoing training seminars. So, no worry, I’m running things. Anything you might need from her you can get from me. And more! “
Now Anni was leering. Jackie thought the young woman was acting just like a lusty uncouth young man. Anni glanced appreciatively at Jackie’s legs and then zeroed in on her midriff. Jackie looked down and realized that her suit jacket hid her breasts well but Anni was able to see her belly button through her tight transparent top.
Jackie flushed while Anni’s eyes lit up. Anni was up and coming around the desk towards her, “While you tell me what you… need, I’ll go ahead and take your jacket. “
“Ah, no, that’s fine. There’s no need. “Jackie saw immediately that Anni’s goal was to get her jacket off in hopes of getting a nice see-through view of her breasts. That would be bad enough but the fact she would see they were newly pierced with fat rings would be even worse! Jackie was very concerned to retain the clothing armor protecting her shameful secret.
Anni ignored her refusal and moved behind her. Jackie felt like a slow-moving Turtle stalked by a Cheetah. She felt a warm breath next to her left ear, “Tell me what you need Ms. Thorpe. We all have needs. We should both attend to each other’s needs. “
The warm suggestive words and strategic positioning had an impact on Jackie. Anni pulled at her suit coat and she couldn’t fight it, couldn’t stop herself from being stripped of her shell and she even helped a little. One of Anni’s small breasts bumped and slipped on Jackie’s triceps.
“I need… I’d like to get permission slips to visit two other patients. “
Anni remained behind her and it made her feel vulnerable but she didn’t mind that because it kept her embarrassingly pierced nipples away from Anni’s lustful looks. She knew, though, that it was really a foregone conclusion Anni would see them in the end.
“More patients? My, my, I’d think Mr. Jones would be more than enough for any girl. “
Jackie found she could still be offended after all she’d been through, even just by comments from an inconsequential secretary she had less than no respect for. She didn’t like Anni mocking her. She also didn’t appreciate being called a “girl”. Still, she had to make nice.
“I told a colleague I’d check in on each of them. Sort of a professional hello. “
“I’m happy to help my friends. You are my special friend, aren’t you? “Jackie felt Anni’s delicate pointy chin digging into her collarbone sending a shiver down her spine and, with horror, realized Anni was peering down on her veiled nipples weighed down by the heavy rings and the blood expanding them. She could feel Anni’s soft pointy cones digging gently into her back below her shoulder blades.
“Hey… Anni…. I’m in a rush, I’ve got to go. Can I just get those passes? “It was taking a lot of willpower for Jackie to remain still. She wanted to run away. She wanted to turn and shove Anni away from her. Maybe she even wanted to turn and hug and kiss Anni. Maybe let her get a better view of her pierced nipples.
“You look cold. Your nipples are all hard. From the chill air, right? Here, I’ll keep them warm while you tell me exactly who you want to see and why I should fill out those passes for you. “
Anni’s thin arms wrapped around Jackie’s waist, her torso suctioning up against her back. Then her hands authoritatively forged up to encompass and massage the tips of both breasts. Jackie made a gasp of outrage almost simultaneous with Anni’s gasp of delight. Jackie was dismayed by the complete disregard for her personal space and felt betrayed by her own body. She had to play along though… just for a few moments… to get what she had to have.
“I’m just fine. I’m not cold, thanks. I need passes to see Shara Tillings and Carol Milligan. “
“Oh my, Shara and Carol. Really? Interesting. I’m sure I could get you passes. Right away. If that’s what I wanted to do. First, we need to solve the mystery of your titties. Mmmm, they sure feel warm. Hot and soft. You say you don’t feel cold. But then, why are your nips so hard? What could be the cause? “
Anni’s skilful fingers worked the nipples through the membrane of fabric, gentle tugs and squeezes at their base. It was tensing Jackie’s emotions while she felt the muscles in her legs relax. Jackie felt herself leaning back on Anni which gave the deviant secretary a better view of the breasts she was working away at. Anni’s fingers gently tugged at the silver rings and they both heard Jackie’s throat emitting a low hum.
Anni’s right hand left her right breast. Jackie felt a little abandoned, then alarmed as she felt the straying hand tugging at her suit pant belt. This was ridiculous and was getting her nowhere but in trouble. She straightened and stepped away.
“No! No, thank you, Anni. I appreciate your helpfulness but the help I need now is with those passes. It is urgent and I’ll be grateful. “
“How grateful? “
“I’ll… show my gratitude later. I’ll return here and… we can get to know each other better then. “Jackie could hardly believe she was offering this young lesbian a false hope of a romantic tryst in order to get what she wanted. She felt guilty.
“Sounds nice, Jacqueline. I’ll give you a pass but I like that feeling of anticipatio
n. I need a preview. Let me see those nipple rings and let me play a little with those plump titties then I’ll fill out a pass for you. That’s not too much to ask between special friends, is it? “
Jackie felt like she was about to get what she wanted and didn’t want to upset the progress by upsetting Anni with rejection. In the bizarre world she now occupied Anni’s request did not seem unreasonable. She nodded with a false smile on her lips and a feeling of weightless expansion in her sex. Agreeing to forbidden caresses as a bargaining chip was a turn on!
“Take it off. “Anni’s command was crisp. Jackie obeyed, pulling the top up over her head. Anni’s face was stern but glowing. Her ogling was no longer as distasteful to Jackie as it had been moments earlier. It didn’t seem onerous at all. It felt good to be admired. Jackie was getting caught up in the moment. Without any instruction she reached up and cupped the undersides of her breasts putting them up on offer. She blushed with recollection of her identical actions when visiting Jones.
Anni approached eagerly, bent her face near the breasts and inspected each of them from just inches away like she was memorizing every pore, every little bump on each areole. She frowned, sniffed deep a couple times, her nose ring glinting under the fluorescent light of the office, and then she looked up into Jackie’s face with a pixie smile of delight.
“I smell sperm on those titties! Were you naughty with Mr. Jones? “
Jackie gasped with mortification. Anni could smell the semen those dumb whores had tongue-bathed onto her nipples and all over the tips of her breasts. Her face blazed red with embarrassment.
Anni was studying her face with cruel delight, “It’s true, isn’t it? Your own patient’s come -- Mr. Jones’ come -- is on your breasts, isn’t it? Hah! You were assigned to help him and you sure did! “
Jackie, horrified, wanted to deny the accusation especially because it was true. She could not afford for too many people to know the boundaries Jones had dragged her across. Jones and his crew were one thing. People outside of that widening circle were a whole different matter. Still, topless and aroused, standing in front of the certainty in Anni’s eyes, she felt herself nodding confirmation.
“I knew it! Oh, you are a naughty bitch! I suppose your plan was to have me lick it off without telling me first. You naughty bitch! You lick it clean. Now. “
Anni looked stern and Jackie knew she was serious. A flippant inner side noted it made little difference if Anni licked and sucked her nipples or she did it herself. Either way it would turn her on way too much.
Jackie used both hands on her left breast to push it high and craned her neck down. Her breast was large enough that not only was she able to tongue it she was even able to work her soft lips over the nipple and areole. It felt way too good. The embarrassment and compromising circumstances should have prevented arousal but, instead, they seemed to accentuate it. Years ago she did something like this when she was alone in bed masturbating. It had felt both nice and naughty then but nowhere near this level. There was an extreme difference in effect between private indulgence in physical sensation and actually being seen -- actually being ordered to do it.
She could smell the remnants of Jones’ sperm, she was tasting it, could hear her own breathless gasps magnified by the proximity of her skin, could feel her tongue flipping the nipple ring back and forth. She heard Anni taking off her clothes. She didn’t like where this was going. She was still tongue-washing her breasts though. She’d soon cleaned off all of Jones’ sperm on both but Anni hadn’t told her to stop. Besides, it felt so good.
A nude Anni stepped into view, undid Jackie’s belt, and dropped her suit pants to the floor, still tangling her feet. Jackie didn’t let this distract her. She sucked on an areole, nipple ring, and nipple at the once, all of them entirely encompassed by her mouth. The pain in her neck was a welcome price to pay for the pleasure. She didn’t feel like herself anymore. Jackie had been replaced by a bitch in heat. It happened so quickly. The long arousal and orgasm denial in Jones’ suite had left her all too vulnerable.
Now Anni used her small hand to grasp a handful of Jackie’s pussy flesh. Instead of protesting the contact Jackie surprised herself by locking her legs in place, thrusting her pussy hard into the contact, and groaning in pleasure as she chewed at a mouthful of breast.
Anni leaned her lips to Jackie’s ear, “You slut, you’re desperate for it. You should be paying me for this. “
Jackie was shocked at the vileness of the words and at the vicious tone. Her passion receded just enough for her to feel renewed outrage. She released the breast from her clamping teeth.
“Don’t talk to me that way. “
“You are a slut. I talk any way I want to dumb sluts. I may not be your superior in the professional world but I sure as hell am in the sexual world. “
Jackie noticed Anni sounded very much like Jones and his people. Was she one of them?
Anni matched her mental unbalance with physical unbalance by shoving her towards the desk. Jackie stumbled and shuffled, barely able to keep from falling due to the tangled pants around her ankles. At the desk Anni pushed her down by the back of her neck until her cheek was on the cherry wood and her ass was tilted at a good angle. For a moment Jackie’s anger flickered between Anni and herself. Anni was not just the lusty but admiring lesbian Jackie had taken her for. She was a dominant. But why was Jackie letting small Anni manhandle her? Jackie wasn’t big and wasn’t physical by nature but she knew she could defeat little Anni at will. If she had the will.
Anni delivered vicious spanks all over Jackie’s rear and upper legs. It was especially painful due to the not yet fully healed abuse suffered two days prior from Little Johnson. The spanks went on and on. A few times Jackie tried to straighten seeking escape only to be shoved back down. Her face and chest heaved on the desktop as the fiery hand was tireless in leaving flaming handprints. Jackie was still turned on but the pain was making her angry. Finally, desperate, she rolled away, a hand striking her hipbone, staggered clear, and clumsily stepped out of her pants in case she actually had to fight Anni.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re going, dumb slut? “Anni looked furious and Jackie’s anger was immediately replaced by trepidation. The size differential didn’t seem to matter to either one of them.
“Look, I don’t want this. You know, a little messing around maybe but I’m not up for that kind of pain or verbal abuse. Please, just give me the passes. “
Anni’s eyes were wide with lust and determination and her face did not look at all sympathetic to Jackie. Anni prowled over to her and put her slim hand back to work on Jackie’s pussy knowing Jackie would make no move to stop her now that she had her locked in place with eye contact. She also knew what her delving fingers would find. Slushy heat.
“Your slut body is obviously up for the pain and “verbal abuse”. Can your slut mind really be that far behind? “
It was difficult for Jackie to argue when Anni held the proof in her hand. Her body buzzed with a wonderful mixture of pain and pleasure. Her sensations were sharpened and her mind clouded by fear, shame, disgust, and embarrassment. Without her permission her hips bucked her pussy hard against Anni’s palm. This was madness! It seemed like Anni was “one of them. “She couldn’t trust her to give her the pass afterwards if she gave in to her. She knew “they” were quite tricky and none too honorable. How could she even consider giving in to her sexually in any event? No way.
“Look, Anni, I must have the pass. First. Then we’ll do what you want. Everything. Anything. But only once I have the pass. “
Jackie was sick of being fooled and lied to. Now she would fight fire with fire. She was lying now in order to trick Anni. Once she had the pass she’d be out the door.
“Mmmm, OK. Let’s get that out of the way so you can concentrate on your slutty needs. “
Jackie was surprised by the q
uick agreement. At this point, any success felt surprising after all the setbacks she’d endured. It was funny because it made her suspicious. She watched as nude Anni stood over her desk filling out a blue card. Jackie couldn’t help but use the moments it took for Anni to fill it out to automatically examine Anni’s form. She had subtle freckles on her arms and shoulders and everywhere else her skin was milky pale. What would her slim body feel like grinding against her own? What would her pussy look like up close? Similar to Monica’s or quite distinct?
When Anni turned back Jackie shook off the aberrant daydream. It was silly. Nothing like that was going to happen now anyway. She was getting what she wanted so she no longer had to… get what she wanted?
Once the visitation permit card was in Jackie’s hand Anni’s hand immediately lunged down to Jackie’s cooled but still wet pussy. It was shocking how quickly the bold move returned her arousal to full speed. She tried to focus on the writing on the pass card but it was hard with her hips already bumping and grinding her hungry pussy up against the dexterous hand. She couldn’t put up with so much pleasure for long or she would lose herself to it but she couldn’t slap the hand away until she knew for certain she had what she needed.
Anni pressed against her, fingers dividing hyper-sensitive pussy lips, her mouth sucking in an earlobe. Jackie could only see one name on the permit card, Shara Tillings, along with a room number, patient code number, Jackie’s name, reason for visit, and Anni’s signature.
“Anni, what about the permission to visit Carol Milligan? “
Anni spat out her earlobe, “I think it’s more than fair for a slut like you to get half of what she wants first and then the other half after I get all of what I want. You can take that and go see Tillings or you can satisfy both of us and then you get the location and permission to visit Milligan as well. “