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Mastering Jacqueline Page 9

  As Jackie sought to puzzle a way out of this latest entrapment, Anni worked two fingers in and out of her pussy like a mini-cock and poked her tongue in her ear. Jackie was lost.

  A long minute passed with the ever more passionate moans of Jackie joining and then blanketing the wet slicking sound of Anni’s sliding fingers.

  Jackie wished she could just suffer Anni’s caresses in silence but there was no chance of that. It simply wasn’t realistic with her awakened sexuality. It had to be released in vocalizations or she would go insane. She grunted, groaned, moaned, and wailed. Her own cries were turning her on further. Anni wasn’t the silent type either.

  “Slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut, slut…”

  Jackie released a strangled choke as she came. Her legs trembled, wobbled, nearly gave in but Anni looped one arm around her waist to keep her standing and to stop her pussy from escaping the pleasurable onslaught of sensation.

  “Hold still as you can, slut. “

  Jackie automatically obeyed Anni’s insidious voice. It felt right to do whatever the odd little tattooed bitch told her to do. She fought to keep her trembling legs in place and looked down when she sensed Anni looking down. She held still as Anni withdrew her soaked fingers, placed the index fingernail against her wet thumb pad, and took careful aim hovering over the top of Jackie’s slit.

  Just a fraction of a second before it happened Jackie realized exactly what was going to happen. Knew it and, God help her, took no action at all.

  With harsh pinpoint accuracy Anni flicked her sharp fingernail against Jackie’s swollen and extended clitoris. Violent pain made Jackie stumble back out of Anni’s grasp. By the time her rear contacted the hard edge of Anni’s desk she was cumming again with a soul-wrenching wail. She sank to her knees and then down to her hands and knees trying to catch her breath.

  She heard Anni laugh at her. It wasn’t a pleasant laugh. This girl wasn’t the infatuated alternative lesbian she’d taken her for at first. No, she was a real bitch. Jackie peered up through tumbled hair and saw Anni working wet fingers on her own soaked pussy. Her smile down towards Jackie was calm, crooked, and cruel.

  With her free left hand Anni reached down and wrapped up a hunk of Jackie’s blonde locks. She walked backwards forcing Jackie to crawl on all fours to keep up with her hair.

  There was a leather couch on one wall for visitors waiting to be seen. Anni dragged her over to it and flopped back on the couch, laying down it’s length with one leg raised to open up her crotch.

  Anni used the hair handful to jerk Jackie’s face towards her pussy, “Get that mouth to work, Slut. For once it’ll do something useful instead of talking. “

  Jackie whimpered from scalp pain and put her defeated lips to work pleasing her conqueror. Anni’s insistent hand from time to time bounced her nose into her dripping wet patch of bush. She obviously wanted maximum contact so Jackie strove to bury her entire face into Anni. Jackie’s questing tongue found her exposed clitoris and went to work pleasuring it. She heard Anni gasping and felt her tensing abdominal muscles on her forehead. Jackie knew she was getting good at this.

  Jackie, on her knees on the floor next to the middle cushion of the couch, had to duck her face down to contact Anni’s pubic area. She thought it awkward licking and sucking pussy from the side, her neck tilted to keep her face in line. It was much more difficult than when right between a woman’s thighs. Harder to get her tongue as deep in the feminine well. Her knees on the polished wood floor hurt but that didn’t matter in comparison with delivering pleasure to Anni. Anni had taken full charge of her and deserved the fullest reward Jackie could give her in return. In direct contrast, Jackie felt that she herself, as the defeated, probably deserved the knee pain and hair-pulling agony. She knew she wasn’t a slut, not really, but she felt like one.

  “Dumb-ass slut, twist that slut ass around towards me so I can spank it. Hold it still while I spank. No wiggling. Keep that mouth working ever so gently. Little tender kisses on my pussy while I smack your butt. “

  Jackie followed the directions instantly and without pause. The order made her pussy thrum. She ought to dread what Anni planned but instead she was intrigued. It actually seemed like a good idea. Give Anni’s pussy extra tender ministrations while Anni tenderized her ass? It sounded fantastic!

  The hard spanks rained down and Jackie arched her rear up, stretching the sensitive skin tight as a drum, hoping it would please Anni and knowing the cost would be a lot more pain. She felt oddly proud as she kept her abused ass high and motionless through a nightmare of spanks and still kept her soft lips delicately nibbling Anni’s pussy folds, her tongue frequently fluttering the clitoris, her nose buried in Anni’s scent.

  Anni used her raised right knee to enclose Jackie’s head in a scissors lock the knee squeezing down hard on the back of Jackie’s neck driving her face deep into her pussy as Anni rolled onto her side, orgasming hard.

  For dazzling moments Jackie thought she might suffocate from pussy inhalation. Finally, Anni’s jerking legs released her and the bunched handful of hair was let go. Jackie flopped onto her back.

  Jackie lay there looking at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath, trying to collect herself. She felt incredibly aroused now even after the two earlier orgasms. The oral attention delivery and the spanking acceptance had not led to an orgasm for her but had taken her back to a height of arousal. Bizarrely, despite the current moment’s lack of her own climax she felt fulfilled by the pleasure she’d given Anni and the abuse she had endured. It worried her. How could standard sex -- no matter how loving -- ever hope to compare to this sinful high?

  She heard Anni moving around and had no idea how much time passed while she lay there nakedly philosophizing. When she sat up she saw Anni was fully clothed again. Anni was looking at papers on her desk but Jackie’s movement caught her eye.

  Her voice was cold when she spoke, “Get dressed and get out. I’ve got shit to do. I can’t waste all my time on sluts like you. “

  Jackie, sullen and a little dizzy, stumbled back into her wrinkled clothing. She felt her thin panties cling to her soaked pussy. Anni ignored her but Jackie knew they still had one piece of business. She’d really earned that second permission slip to visit Carol Milligan in addition to Shara Tillings. This bitch Anni was damn well going to write it out for her!

  “I’ll be on my way just as soon as you fill out that Carol Milligan visit permission slip. ‘

  Anni looked up and smiled a cat that ate the canary smile, “No need. The first one will allow you to see them both. You see, Shara Tillings and Carol Milligan are new roommates. Due to space limitations Tillings was moved in with Milligan. “

  Jackie’s face burned with recognition of how she’d been fooled and manipulated by Anni. Most of what Anni had “forced” her to do had come after she already had everything she needed from her. Anni had totally taken advantage. The first deal was already shameful quid pro quo. But this twist was sheer humiliation!

  There was nothing to say so she turned and marched to the door clutching the hard-earned permission slip. Anni called mockingly after her.

  “Oh, slut. I mean, Ms. Thorpe. Look at the time. It’s past visiting hours now. Apparently you dawdled too long here. You’ll have to come and see them tomorrow in the afternoon. No big deal, right? “

  Jackie frowned severely, then went through the door and slammed it behind her. Anni was definitely one of them. She obviously knew that between now and her next window of opportunity to visit Tillings and Milligan she was going to have to follow Wayne Jones’ order. She would have to go to her new prospective business partner, old man Robert, and have sex with him after all…

  Chapter 6

  Jackie arrived at her apartment complex physically exhausted and spiritually worn out. The humiliating setbacks of the day had her so discouraged and s
he dreaded what the following day would bring.

  She entered her apartment and turned to close the door. She saw her beautiful blonde neighbor, Melissa, coming down the hall towards her own apartment which was right next to Jackie’s. Jackie paused, one hand on the door knob.

  She was torn between quickly pulling the door closed or stepping out to speak with Melissa. She wanted to avoid Melissa seeing her, especially in her wrinkled come-stained clothing, for the obvious reasons and because she was still embarrassed Melissa saw her on an apparent “date” with Little Johnson several nights ago. However, she also felt an obligation to warn Melissa. Little Johnson had jokingly told Jackie he would get a pink leather rhinestone-encrusted collar for Melissa once he’d tamed her and it would have a dog tag saying “Nice Girl” in order to match her with collared Jackie wearing “Good Girl”. At least, Jackie hoped he was only joking. What if it wasn’t a joke, wasn’t just a remark meant to disturb her? Melissa was a very pretty and smart university girl from an excellent family. Just the type of social Mount Himalaya Little Johnson would love to climb.

  Jackie just felt too overdosed on embarrassment already. She pulled her door closed before the deep in thought girl saw her. If she tried to warn Melissa, how would she do it? How could she broach the subject and properly explain the danger? Especially when the girl may later see Little Johnson visiting Jackie’s residence. Jackie had to admit another session with Little Johnson was still possible at some point before this was all over. Besides, it was extremely unlikely anything would be attempted with Melissa, and, if it was, Melissa would doubtless turn him down immediately. Jackie could not envision any avenue, any alternate reality, in which Little Johnson could end up with that girl.

  The wicked thought even snuck in that if he was busy using and abusing Melissa, it would provide some relief to Jackie. Jackie felt ashamed of herself for even thinking such a thing.

  Jackie made dinner and then went straight to bed despite the early hour. She felt guilty for not saying something to Melissa, however unnecessary, just so the girl would keep her guard up just in case. She decided she’d listen for her to depart the apartment in the morning and say something then. It was late and she didn’t want to disturb the hard-studying university student.



  The unexpected sounding of the front door security intercom so startled Melissa that she fumbled the highlighter she held over her course work and also involuntarily opened her mouth and dropped the wet hunk of hair she habitually chewed on.


  Melissa looked at her watch. 9:34 PM. Who would visit her at this hour without calling ahead first? Maybe her ex-boyfriend, Aaron? Maybe on an early drunk feeling sentimental about their past. That would be ironic because she’d broken off with him in large part because she didn’t approve of his partying ways. There should be fun alongside getting a degree but Melissa needed a serious and professional boyfriend and then husband. Her family was well-to-do but not quite rich. The business would need help, not a hard-drinking handicap.


  She pressed the speaker button, “Who is it? “She continued to press the button so she could hear the response.

  “Are you Jackie’s neighbor? “

  For a moment Jackie was completely mystified. It disconcerted her that the voice was that of a female, a stranger, and not Aaron or anyone else she knew. She didn’t think she knew anyone named Jackie until she remembered that horrible little man who pawed at Jacqueline Thorpe in the hallway talked about a “stay in date” and called her Jackie.

  “If you mean Jacqueline Thorpe, yeah, I’m her neighbor. Who are you? “

  “I’m so sorry to disturb you. It is a weird deal. I don’t know, she may be in a bad situation. I just don’t know. I don’t know her. I have this video… of some things that happened. You must know her, at least better than me. If you could watch it you could tell me if we should be worried about Jackie. Or not. “

  “Who are you? “

  “My name is Kira. I snuck this video from my Uncle’s collection. Jackie -- Jacqueline -- is in it and I don’t understand if she stars in it willingly or against her will. She may need our help. “

  “Who is your Uncle? “

  “He goes by John, but really his last name is Johnson. People who know him call him Little Johnson. He’s very short. I’m all alone. I just need your help. Jackie may need your help. “

  Melissa hesitated. She had her studies and didn’t want to get involved in other people’s business. But Jacqueline was sort of a friend. Had given her advice in the past on how to deal with men… though she had apparently ignored her own advice on holding out for quality and demanding respectful treatment when it came to that creepy little man Melissa saw her with the other night. He struck Melissa as a criminal type, perhaps a burglar. Maybe what she’d seen between them wasn’t what it seemed at the time. Maybe Jacqueline was in a bad situation, possibly dangerous. Melissa felt a thrill. This was getting quite interesting.

  “OK. Take a right through the door, last door on the left. “She pressed the button releasing the electronic lock on the entry door. She knew this Kira would now hear the BZZZZZZ on her end of the intercom. She didn’t bother to say the number of the apartment she was in. The numbers were right next to the names. That must be how her visitor knew Melissa was Jacqueline’s neighbor.

  She glanced down at her white T-shirt and pink frumpy pajama bottoms. She wasn’t dressed to receive a guest. She sighed. It was silly to be so superficial when Jacqueline might need help. Of course, she would not have let an unknown man into the apartment complex but Kira was obviously a girl so it was no big deal.

  She’d let this Kira in and watch the video she had of Jacqueline. Either it would enable her to help out and make a difference or it would just be an interesting episode to share with friends. She had nothing to lose.


  “Pay attention now. It’s starting. “

  Melissa pulled her eyes guiltily from studying Kira and focused them on the television and the images beginning to play. This Kira was bossy and had been from the moment Melissa let her in her apartment.

  Kira had zipped about, finding Melissa’s television, and hooking up a small camcorder to transfer the images. Kira was slim and pretty but not “cute”. She wore leather and dark, almost Gothic, make-up. Her arms and a major portion of her bosom were left uncovered by her leather vest ensemble. Instead of being tearful as her voice suggested on the intercom, her eyes were hard and her manner abrupt.

  The camcorder made her nervous at first but she realized now Kira had it with for playing video, not recording video. Again, Melissa reprimanded herself for being too concerned with Kira’s appearance instead of Jacqueline’s situation. Now that Kira was in her home she was nervous but it was too late to back out. Kira was slightly shorter and much slimmer than her but obviously toned and athletic.

  She felt dangerous to Melissa. She regretted letting her in and wanted to find a way to get her to leave but it was too late for that. She had already committed to watching the video and was curious what could possibly be on it regarding Jacqueline. She couldn’t turn her back on Jacqueline. Even if she could, she dreaded any sort of confrontation with this weird tough girl. Better to just go along.

  When the set up was ready Melissa stopped shifting nervously from one stocking foot to the next and sat a little to the side in a high-sided leather chair, a gift from her Mother’s equally financially fortunate friend, a perpetually single woman who liked to think of Melissa as her niece since her and Mom were like sisters. The big chair made Melissa feel protected. Right up until Kira insistently pulled her out of it and guided her to a wide open love seat directly in front of the television. Kira insisted the move was for the improved view of the upcoming video. It also left Melissa’s sides open and that made her feel more vulnerable.<
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  That feeling was accurate and was the real reason Kira moved her.

  Still standing behind her, Kira rested her hands on Melissa’s shoulders. ‘Watch careful. You know this Jackie and I don’t. You know how she acts. My Uncle… can be dangerous possibly. I need you to tell me if they are playing around and she is willing or if she needs help. My Uncle… has sexual preoccupations. It could be she is a willing participant. You tell me. “

  Kira’s fingers dug into Melissa’s shoulders with wiry power. It hurt and made Melissa angry but she said nothing, concentrating on the video. She could sense any resistance on her part would result in Kira becoming confrontational so she decided to put up with the contact. See the video, kick her out. Melissa wondered at Kira’s true purpose. She didn’t seem the type to be concerned for the welfare of a stranger to her such as Jacqueline. This girl was probably just trying to get something on her Uncle to use against him for her own reasons.

  The video played. Melissa saw a view of Jacqueline’s sofa in her living room. Despite what Kira had hinted at Melissa was shocked to see a nearly nude Jacqueline bent over the arm rest of the sofa. Her panty clad ass was arched high and for some reason the skin was bright red as if she had a rash or as if someone had spanked her severely. Jacqueline wore a scandalous bra that revealed her nipples and the nipples were actively tugged by Jacqueline herself. Melissa observed an attractive mature redhead sitting on the sofa and that ugly Little Johnson looming behind Jacqueline’s rear. The first words Jacqueline heard came from Little Johnson telling Jacqueline to “Hold still” and then pulled her obviously wet panties down.

  Melissa was amazed Jacqueline did not physically resist or at least verbally protest. Her neighbor looked quite aroused. She sounded quite aroused too as she kept moaning. What on Earth in that situation could be turning her on? Whatever it was, obviously she must be willing. Then Melissa saw she was wearing handcuffs. Still, that couldn’t explain her total lack of resistance… or her arousal.